Chart shows the composition of the swallowing
Difficulty swallowing dysphagia, or trouble swallowing swallowing disorder are broad term used to describe the inability to passage of food from the mouth to the stomach, and must differentiate between them and the disturbances that prevent the transfer of food to the mouth or after the stomach is characterized by difficulty swallowing, for example, eating disorders are not the types of difficulty swallowing and a lack of access to food through the mouth or clogged exit the stomach gastric outlet obstruction - or the inability of food to pass from the stomach into the small intestine - and about 10 million people in America are appreciate them, the difficulty of swallowing a year, and there are multiple reasons the difficulty of swallowing.
The anatomical and functional difficulty swallowing
Chart shows the sequence of stages of normal swallowing
Difficulty swallowing could be consequences of a malfunction at any stage of the three stages of swallowing:
Oral phase oral phase which includes the preparation phase and oral phase transit.
The preparation phase of the oral swallow natural
Pipeline oral oral preparatory phase: This phase of swallowing involves the movement of muscles of the jaw and lips in the process of chewing, and is the formation of food to swallowing bolus and be carried with the tongue forward and the side in an interview palate steel hard palate and the process involving the sense of taste taste, heat and temperature , tactile touch, and self-acceptance or a sense of the situation proprioception to configure the bolus size and consistency appropriate cohesion.
Oral phase of swallowing natural
Phase trans oral transit phase: This phase of swallowing include dealing with bolus formed by stage setting in the middle part of the tongue, then pushed into the pharynx in the back with height successive San from front to back and that urge generate trigger reflection throat with the beginning of entering the bolus phase of pharyngeal , and this stage you need to close the lips to maintain the non-leakage of food from the mouth, muscle tension and the presence of the mouth muscles to prevent food from entering between the lower jaw and the inner wall of the cheek, and this stage be voluntary and under the control of the cerebral cortex.
Pharyngeal phase of swallowing natural
Stage pharyngeal pharyngeal phase: a work of reflex with a bolus through the pharynx, it takes less than one second and start this phase in the arc laryngeal anterior anterior faucial arch, which prevents the stop-motion rear of the bolus and leads to re-shoot and high re-traction full palate velum, The result is a complete closure of the palate pharyngeal velopharyngeal which prevents food from entering the nasal cavity, and this stage followed by a payment of more food Balbelaom by flexors of the pharynx towards the sphincter hyopharyngeus cricopharyngeal sphincter, and throat to prevent food from entering the respiratory tract closure at the level of vocal cords and ends stage, up the throat, which helps to open the aperture hyopharyngeus extension of this region, followed by a muscle relaxant hyopharyngeus cricopharyngeal which allows the passage of bolus into the esophagus.
Esophageal phase of swallowing natural
Stage esophageal esophageal phase: It is the final stage of swallowing and be under the control of the brain stem and plexus nerve layer muscle of the pharynx the myenteric plexus, and the movement of traffic worms peristaltic wave - which begins Balbelaom - food, you pay part of cervical Palmre down through the sphincter when connected to the esophagus gastric esophageal-gastric sphincter and into the stomach, and regulate this process through sense receptors sensory in the tongue and palate flaccid soft palate, and the arches laryngeal faucial arches, and tonsils, and the back wall of the pharynx, and this feeling up to the center of swallowing the existing system networking reticular system QANTARAH brain by cerebral nerve VII the facial - VII, and the glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal - IX, and vagal vagus - X and then move the information from the swallowing center of the muscles that help in swallowing by cerebral nerve tricephalus trigeminal - V, and facial nerve facial - VII, and nerve glossopharyngeal glossopharyngeal - IX, and vagal, and hypoglossal nerve hypoglossal - XII with nerve tricephalus and hypoglossi, and the pool of neurons nucleus ambiguus, who graduated from neurofibrae feed the muscles of the palate soft and the muscles of the pharynx and larynx, and cut swallowing usually the stage of exhaled breath and complete exhalation after swallowing, when it begins swallowing occurs during inhalation exhalation after swallowing owner.
The wave of muscular contraction that move food into the esophagus to the stomach worms called Movement